Tri Haksagian P.
Social status is the position or rank of a person or group, within the society. Each place has their social status. Social status will divide society into some “group”. People will be more appreciate to family or people who have higher social status than they do. This mindset formed by time to time in traditional society. Society should hard effort to make their social status better, at least thy can “see” in society.
In this analysis, writer will analyze two folktales that Bawang Merah Bawang Putih and Cinderella. That folktale called primary data. Writer will analyze in family, happiness, and wishing context. In the end of this analysis, writer will showed the similarities both of them, with secondary data that Ye Xian story from China. This analysis refers to the theory of Guillen (1993) that Comparative Literature especially internationality.
- Family
Writer found second married between high class social status and low social status. This marriage happened because same idea, materialism.
”Sejak ibunya Bawang Putih meninggal mereka selalu datang mengunjungi rumah Bawang Putih baik itu hanya sekedar ngobrol maupun memberikan makanan.” (
The quote above tells that there are catch by “stepmother”. Stepmother always visits Bawang Putih every day. Stepmother visit to Bawang Putih’s house to give food or just share and comfort Bawang Putih. Find those Phenomena in the Cinderella story.
“Unhappy she was, for her mother was dead, her father who a success seller had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, the ex-countess, and her stepmother didn’t like her one little bit.”(
The quote explains that Cinderella’s stepmother is ex-countess would marry with Cinderella’s father but she did not like Cinderella. This phenomenon can found in Ye Xian from China too.
“Jauh sebelum dinasti Qin & Han berdiri, tersebutlah seorang kepala suku, bermarga Wu yang menguasai daerah Wudong. Wu tak berputra. Dari kedua istrinya ia hanya dikaruniai dua orang putri. Putri sulung bernama Ye Xian, sementara yang satu lagi tak diketahui namanya.”(
The quote above mention that Wu (father of Ye Xian) as headman. He has two wives. He has two daughter. Ye Xian and unknown.